Tuesday, 30 July 2019

🐥Green week🐦

Hey bloggers 
This week is green week and we are learning about birds!!!
 Here are some facts learned 

1. Tuis have the very important job of pollination beacause when they drink the nectar from flowers they get pollen on their heads so when they fly around they 
spread pollen to the flowers that grow into fruit.

2.Wood pigeons complement tuis maraculisly they eat the berries 
that tuis produse and they poop 
that makes more trees that makes more flowers it is the circle of life!!!

3. Morporks and Hawks have big eyes so they see even the tinyist movements to hunt!!!

Here are some photos of native birds!!!

Blog ya later!!!

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Malala Yousafzai

Image result for malala yousafzai

Your legacy:

How will you be remembered?

A person who is my hero is Malala Yousafzai

This person is my hero because She helps provide woman education all over the world after she got shot

Two words that describe this person are Determined and Brave

One thing the person does that I admire is that she did not stop fighting even after she got shot and she is still helping girls all over the world One way I can be more like my hero is by chasing my dream and go past anything in my way

Are you a hero? Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic.

I feel like im a hero beacause once I saw a girl at school and she dropped a small toy I saw it piked it up and gave it back to her.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Superheros P1

Hey bloggers
This is my what is a hero art!!!
Something I found challenging 
Was coloring my letters.
What do you think makes a super hero???

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Holiday writing

Hey Bloggers 
This is my one truth 3 lies writing 
comment to answer which one is true and the two that are false 
it is harder than you think. 
Blog you later!!!

Thursday, 4 July 2019

When im...

This is the when im writing 
From 11-21
I really enjoyed writing this.
Maby you should try too.
To write this first start with the age you turning on your next Birth day 
Blog you later  

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Junior Tough Guy Tough Gal

Hey bloggers 
On Monday I did the mud run 
One word to desribe it Muddy 
It was soooooo fun 
Here are some photos 
and vids 


  1. The Girl gazed at the Pitch black night sky though her professional Astronomer Telescope.
  2. It was an amazingly starry night 
  3. there were beautiful shiny stars everywhere.

But even though the stars all around her where 
beautiful but the ones she where focusing on I had been studying for the past hour. 
I had not seen these stars before
‘ I can't wait to show dad ‘she thought 
She scribbled in her note book, 
Packed up her telescope and left.
When she got home her mother looked distraught
`hey mum what's wrong’ l said 
‘Your father has  been called to war and he might not come back’ my  mother said and she started sobbing 
‘Oh-no’ I said feeling worried I gave mum a big hug.

To be Continued...  
This is my writing for "stargazer"
Tell me what you think
here is my art below
Blog ya later 

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Planet DLO 4

Hi Bloggers 
This is Planet DLO 4 About the Earth
In this slide you will find   
Questions and Awnsers about Earth.
 A geneal.ly full of facts and a amaze activity 
Hope you enjoy 

Saturn DLO

Hey Bloggers
This is my third Planet DLO
About Saturn. In this slide you will find Questions and awnsers.
A genea.ly  and a drawing made out of shapes.
Hope you enjoy 

The Sun

Hey bloggers 
This is my second DLO about The Sun 
In this slide you will find Questions and Awnsers about The Sun.
A fact filled Genial.ly.And a few Activities
Hope you enjoy 

Venus DLO

Hey Bloggers 
This is my first planet DLO About the planet Venus 
In this DLO you will find Answers to questions about Venus
And a Genial.ly full of facts 
Hope you enjoy