Thursday, 26 September 2019

Ada lovelace story plan

Hey bloggers!
This is my Story plan for Ada  lovelace!!!
The story will come in the next post!!!
Blog ya later 

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Fact file Ada Lovelace

Hey bloggers!!!
Here is my Ada Lovelace  Fact file!!!!
This Includes 
When she was born,Were she was taught ,ETC
Blog ya later

Ada lovelace

Full screen


Hey bloggers 
Here is my 
Ada Lovelace 
Hope you enjoy!!!

Monday, 23 September 2019

Chinese Language Week

Ni hao! This week is Chinese Language Week. Check out this slideshow to learn some key words and phrases.

Ada Lovelace storyboard

Hey bloggers 
Here is my Ada Lovelace storyboard!!!
Hope you enjoy

Blog ya later

Word art

Hey bloggers 
This is my Ada Lovelace Word art 
If you have any suggestions to change it in any way please comment!!!
Blog ya later

Thursday, 19 September 2019


Hey bloggers 
Here is my movie that I made with Star Squad
Hope you enjoy!!!
Something I found hard was adding the sound effects 
Blog ya later 

Said is Dead

Insert words instead of said to convey the meaning of the sentence

"It's wonderful!" Cried  Franny.
“Stop that!” Rowena shrieked.
“Did I upset her in some way?” Inquired Lucas.
“It’s your fault” Mason sneered 
“We need to get out of here quickly,” Finley exclaimed 
“I like that!” Laughed  Sarah
“Give that back to me now!” Ava glared
“I don’t want to go in there” quiverd Saana
“SIT DOWN!” Mrs O’Shea Commanded 
“Can I please borrow a pen?” Kody pleaded
“Hey! Come over here!” Hollared Rutva
“What shall we do now?” asked Tamati
“I’m sorry” Marley mumbled
“Has anybody seen my lunchbox?” inquired James
“Watch out!” Ariella-Brooke screamed
“Oh, you gave me a fright!” Zac grumbled
“Let’s go this way then Mrs O’Shea might not see us” whispered  Matilda

“I can’t believe it!” Mansour snapped

Monday, 16 September 2019


Hey bloggers 
Here is my final post for kate sheppard!!!
It is a Sign to vote poster so all the women will know where to sign!!!
here it is
What do you think?
Blog ya later

Word cloud

Hey bloggers 
Her is my Kate Sheppard word cloud 
Tip:It looks much better when you customise the words 
in to diffrent colors

Blog ya later

Kate sheppard story

Here is a short description
Of kate sheppards victory

“Come my sisters!!!” Kate exclaimed 
“Together we shall win equality!!!”
“Sign to vote Sign to vote Sign to vote!!!”
The women shouted 
As they patrolled down the streets 
Towards parliament 
And singing the sufugete song
“We're clearly soldiers in petticoats
And dauntless crusaders for women's votes”
They sang loudly with their heads high.
At last they had gotten 32,000 votes surely they would not refuse this time!!! 
For women everywhere! she shouted 
They stepped forward towards parliament
With  a look of triumph in their eyes 
They knew they had finally won

To be continued... Hope you enjoyed!!!
Blog ya later

story plan

Hey bloggers!!!
This is my (OK) storyplan for Kate Sheppard
you willl recive the story in the next post 
Here it is

Blog ya later 

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Kate Sheppard's storyboard

hey bloggers!!! 
This is a Storyboard of Kate Sheppard's life It shows how she got the women's vote 
it also shows that there is still work to be done for gender equality
What do you think ?
Blog ya later

fact file

Hey bloggers!!
This is my fact file of Kate Sheppard
This shows things like where she was born and when
her family and so on.
something hard I found was finding all the images on google.
Hope you enjoy
Blog ya later